AGG Software: Web Log Analyzer - Apache Log Analyzer
Web Log Analyzer - Apache Log Analyzer
WLA (Web Log Analyzer) is a set perl
scripts which will help you to adjust full management of your virtual web
server log files. The program it is focused on small web servers with
visitors quantity no more than 1000 persons per day. Web Log
Analyzer (Version 2.0; Feb 4, 2002) is a comprehensive
access log analysis tool. It allows you to keep track of activity on your
site by month, week, day and hour, to monitor total hits, bytes
transferred and page views, and to keep track of your most popular pages.
It can also print out secondary reports to track "user sessions", showing
the paths taken through your site by your visitors and giving you a rough
idea of how long they spent looking at your pages, and to provide you with
information on referring sites, the search engine keywords which brought
your visitors and the agents they used while visiting. It can read Apache
(NCSA) common or combined log files.
Web Log Analyzer key features:
- Store site statistics for any time period;
- Supervise the size of stored statistics;
- Store total site statistics for all time of script use ;
- Look through web statistics through web browser;
- Receive the chosen web log reports on e-mail;
- Look through reports for the chosen time interval;
- Look through reports in a textual and graphic kind (diagrams);
- Automatically detects log format;
- Multilanguage support;
- Template Web Log Analyzer interface;
- Can read GZ compressed logs.
Some Web Log Analyzer reports:
- Summary web traffic statistics;
- Response codes;
- Site visitors;
- Attendance of a web site;
- The report of visitors (table view);
- Paths on a site;
- Hits/Hosts;
- Popular pages;
- The pages referring on the text;
- The pages referring on the images;
- All referring pages;
- Referring servers;
- Entry points;
- Not founded pages;
- All erroneous pages;
- Files report;
- Downloads report;
- Search phrases;
- User agents;
- Referring reports;
- Request types;
- Filter apache log statistics in reports master on any key: page, file, IP, file
type, request type, user agent, response code etc.
Web Log Analyzer system requirements
- Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP or Unix a compatible platform (Linux,
FreeBSD etc.)
- Perl 5.004 or higher (for example ActiveState Perl for Windows32)
- Library Thomas Boutell's gd library and GD.pm is higher than the
version than 1.19
Web Log Analyzer files:
- Compressed Archives: This is apache analyzer log demo without some
reports and code don't optimizer (slow).
- Demo version on our site
